My missed miscarriage and D&C experience

I want to tell everybody who has been through miscarriages or being through right now that please be strong and stay positive. There is really no words can make us feel better but we just need to move on. 
This was my first pregnancy. My baby was diagnosed no heartbeat and had stopped growing at week 7 at our first appointment at week 8. My husband and I were so excited to see our baby's shape: a little cute head and its body. I thought my OB was joking when he told us the bad news when we were still in our excitement. But everything he told us was true. We got a new OB to get a second opinion but turned out to be the same. No miracles. I remember I was praying so hard and keep thinking about what people told me that it should be fine. But still no miracles at week 9 which is today when we did our third ultrasound. 
I knew my baby is gone since I have stopped feeling sore boobs and other symtoms for several days. So I scheduled the D&C on the same day after the last ultrasound. I was sooooo nervous about the general anesthesia before the surgery. But the worst part was actually needle pain when I started the IV. Other than that, I didn't feel anything until I woke up. Everything went smoothly. We had a pastor came to our room and prayed for us before the surgery so I'm sure God gave me blessings and strength.  I'm very grateful. And my hubby was there in the hospital the whole time comforting me. Also I have to say Pokeman go helped me a lot too lol. Anyways, I'm now in bed and don't feel any pain or anything. I did feel a little pain when I peed in the hospital before I left which is required after D&C and they want to make sure you can pee. So now I'm just scared about peeing again soon.
Overall, my D&C went really well. Just some spotting nothing heavy and not even cramping anymore. I'm so grateful for having an amazing OB(she held my hands right before they put me into sleep) and wondering nurses at the hospital. I thank God for everything. Even though he had the plan to take my baby to the heaven but I feel lucky to have my loving Hubby and my family. 
So girls, please cheer up. Everything will be ok and time will heal us soon. Believe in God and trust him that he has plans for everybody.
Many LOVEs and good luck!