Wanting to be helpful


So, my husband has this friend that he considers more like a brother. But my history with him is a bit more rocky and I've had to lay down some ground rules such as no coming over and hanging out with my husband being home.

With this being my third child, and having medical issues to deal with, I finding myself having more "bad" days then "good" ones. Not to say I'm dying or can't deal. But I find myself more overwhelmed with my kids fighting for attention and daily chores piling up.

This man is well meaning, and will just drop in "to help" after seeing some communication he might have seen on Facebook between some of my mom friends and myself. And he does it in such a way that he "isn't" stepping on my boundaries. If my husband gets out of work at 2:30, he's calling to tell me he's on his way over at 2:15 which then he always beats my husband and I'm stuck for almost 30 minutes. And he's not helpful. He just sits on my couch and puts on shows for the girls...seriously, my tired body can do that. And when my husband does come home this friend just complains about every activity offered to him and either sleeps or watches tv.

I had the chance to tell him not to come over tonight, but then he acts like I've beaten him and tossed him out like trash. He complains about my cooking, housekeeping, parenting, etc. And he is still single and living with mom and dad. We're not kids either. I'm the youngest of this trio, and I'm turning 30.

I am just so fed up. My husband said he'd talk to him. But I just want to scream and kick almost every time I see him. I see his caller I.d. and my stomach turns.

Sorry, had to vent somewhere.