Folate of Folic?

Hi all,I found out I'm pregnant this week which is amazing news for me and my future hubby, although I didn't plan being 11 weeks pregnant walking down the aisle in September! Anyhoo, I'm seeing a lot of debates around folic vs folate and wondered if any of you more seasoned ladies could give me advice. I saw my GP yesterday to let them know. It wasn't a good experience and he didn't seem to know much. I had to prompt him to even discuss folic acid. He said "oh just wait until you've seen the midwife in a few weeks". I explained I should be taking something now during the baby's crucial development stage. We've just moved to this little village a month ago, so I'm missing my regular GP. I work with a lot of Americans and they tend to warn you off folic acid and are big fans of folate: they don't know I'm pregnant but I've heard them with many others who have been. I've been taking 800mcg of folate so far. Any help you can provide this first time Mum to be is greatly appreciated.