Mental Abuse?

Hi, I'd like to stay anonymous My Father and His girlfriend have been mentally abusing me for years. Since I was 12 they constantly say horrible things about me to bring me down and make me feel low about myself. When I was 14 ( don't judge) I remember it used to be so bad I would cut myself because of them, I hated myself. I would starve myself. cause they would say how I'm fat & ex. I never wanted to leave my room to be around them &I Still don't. I'm always At my friends house because I can't take it there. My father has never do anything for me either. If i ask him for some shorts or sandals he says he has no money but yet he will go out & buy weed ( he has done this numerous times). I'm only 16. I will be 17 in September. Please don't judge. 
Could I call the police? I can't live with My mother. Idek what to do. I have a counselor but she never answers on weekends.