Positive Vibes, Positive Advice, Positive Life!

Alright ladies, this app is all about you! It's all about taking care of yourself, giving girls advice about their bodies, and being positive about the fact your a beautiful, sexy, smart, independent, fashionable, amazing woman! So! That's what this post is all about! YOU! And you sharing advice for other woman/girls. 
1. Name one thing you like about yourself physically. I know it can be hard, but you need to feel confident in your skin girl! 
2. Name one thing you like about your personality. The way you help other people, the way you forgive easily, maybe how good you are at giving advice. Share your good qualities ladies! 
3. Tell us all one beauty/health thing that you absolutely LOVE! A way you take care of your body, or pamper yourself that just feels great! 
4. Tell us all one area you struggle in taking care of yourself, so that we can help build you up, encourage you, and give you advice! This is all about us helping us and helping each other!