Close to a year

On August 5th last year I miscarried at 10.5 weeks, the baby had stopped growing at 7.5 weeks. It's getting close to a year since then and even though I've tried clomid for a few months and my husband and I have tried, I have yet to get another positive test. I'm so sad and convinced that last year was just a crazy fluke and I'm not meant to get pregnant again. We really can't afford a ton of treatments or anything and I'm really not sure I want to put myself through all that. I've pretty much come to the decision to not really try anymore. Now with all that said, I'm 2 days late for af now. I've tested, the day before I was due and today, and so far all negatives. I just want to cry because I'm ready to give up, but I'm not at the same time. Has anyone else taken a year or more to conceive after a miscarriage? I think I need some success stories right now. Thanks everyone. Just for shits and giggles, here's today's test, just in case anyone wants to tweak and give me some hope.