Is CD30 too late for implantation bleeding?

Rebecca • 27, TTC my second baby. I love my husband for giving me baby #1 who is the most amazing gift in the world!!
I don't know my cycle length or when I ovulated but is CD30 too late for implantation? Wednesday and Thursday and I had cramps but nothing like when I have AF, this morning I woke up and when I wiped I had pink tinged CM, I had sex shortly after then couple hours later what looked like a glob came out on toilet paper that was also tinged with pink blood but only a tiny bit, couple hours after that when I wiped I had a little more pink tinged cm but still only a tiny amount and I've had nothing since. I'm just wondering could I be experiencing implantation bleeding? Maybe I ovulated later in my cycle and my cycles are a little longer than the standard 28 days