I still love him..


So my babies father is currently in the hospital after attempting to take his life the other day. His girlfriend that he left me and everything we built up left him the other night, he got drunk, and tried to kill himself.

I have so many mixed emotions about it right now. I feel bad saying it but I'm glad their not together anymore. Not because now he's "available" for me but because she was poison to him. I'm not sure he even wants anything to do with me now. He called me yesterday and actually talked to me, more then he has is months. Then today, I called to see what time his visiting hours are so I could go see him and maybe give him a chance to see what he does have in life. Me and his son who will be born anytime within the next month. But the call was very short. . I asked what his visiting hours are. He told me. Then I asked if it would be okay if I came to see him and he said yes. Then I asked about his day and he replied. Then said, I have to go dinner is here. The phone call wasn't even three minutes total. I feel as though he doesn't wanna talk to me... I still love this guy so much and I want to help him. I'm not pushing for us to be together again and I'll completely understand if he doesn't wanna be but he was my best friend for so long and I do love him so much. I want to show him hope.

Sorry for the long post. I am just hoping to get some insight on what to do. . . I feel crushed. Maybe someone has been here before?