The girl I once was

To the girl I once was 
You used to be so happy , so charismatic, you didn't let nothing ever get in your way . You were the ray of sunshine . But my question to the old ally is how did you do it ? With everything crashing down around you how did you stay positive? How did you laugh through it all ? Now your breaking down every day and things are crashing Down and your crumbling !!! Why are you just now crumbling ? If only I could go back to the old days . How did you not let all those things get to you? And the motivation ? You were so motivated and now you don't want to do anything ! You use to think you were so pretty and now you think your a useless price of garbage who is fat and ugly . You can't even look in the mirror with out wanting to change 59 things about your self . To the girl I once was how did you live without caring what people think ? What made you change ? Why are you so depressed? To the girl I once was please come back I know your in there deep down .