Smoking and Birth Control

I went to PP to get on the pill today. I smoke hookah almost daily but only like 15 or so hits. My clinician asked if I smoked tobacco and I said no but I remembered the hookah so I said wait yes. She told me that smoking tobacco like cigarettes can cause blood clots while on the pill. She was very unsure however about hookah and it's effects. Also, I read online that 6 in 10,000 women actually get fatal blood clots from smoking mixed with the pill. It freaked me out when I read a different article about a 16 year old girl, same as me, that died of a blood clots for the same reason while taking the "common pill". Am I freaking myself out? I've decided to slow down a lot with the hookah but I still want to smoke. Do you think I'll be fine? Do blood clots only happen to constant smokers? Or can it happen in the matter of A hookah? I'm freaking myself out but I'd rather be safe than dead.