Just excited cant wait to see results

Ok, ive been using OPKs for some months now even before i was married because of period being so irregular, i had to learn how my body works. Hubby and I said we would wait to have children after marriage for at least 1yr or 2yrs. I continued to use opks to figure out my cycles and how my body works etc. He knew, WELL we weren't trying and we weren't preventing either so any time was a possibility. It would drive me nuts cause every cycle i would wait to see if i was pregnant or not cause of the NTNP and although we weren't trying i would get sad when it was a negative. SOOO after finding and old friend of mines daughter who is 19 is pregnant and another friend is 20wks and my brother in laws women is pregnant too. I broke down and told my hubby I DONT WANT TO WAIT A YR TO HAVE A BABY I WANT ONE NOW (we've been married for 7 months now😆) to my surprise he said ME TOO I said whaaat!!!! He said "well i was hoping you would tell me you were pregnant any time now" so i asked him if he was trying to get me pregnant  this whole time his answer was "WELL DUH OF COURSE  I WANT TO BE A DADDY TOO" hahahaha im so excited to REALLY TRY so I bought these items to help with fertility. I'm soo nervouse though cause trying trying isn't the same as just not preventing. I'm going to buy some pre-seed soon and my Ovulation test should be here tomorrow🤗 anyhow i just had to share. 
Is anyone else trying different things this cycle?
 Baby dust to all...AUGUST IS MY MONTH!!!