What do I say?!😓

Link • "Normal is an illusion. What is normal for the spider is chaos for the fly"
So I'm 15 years old and I've been wanting to go on birth control for a little while now, however when I first mentioned it to my mum she said there was no point because I hadn't really been in a long term relationship for a while. Good point, so I just left it alone. Two months ago I got back into a relationship with my first boyfriend (we broke up over a year ago prier), and because we did it the first time we dated, we went back to being sexual with each other. All good no problems and whatever. Then the other night my mum calls me into her room and sits down and talks to me about a conversation she had with our family doctor. You see for the last 2-3 years I've had depression and anxiety and I've been on medication for it (it's gotten a lot better thanks to the meds though thankfully). My mum told me about how our doctor told her about this new birth control pill that doctors have been prescribing to teen girls and adults with depression because it has the amazing side affect of making you really really happy and joyful. In fact they've been using it to REPLACE anti-depressants. I didn't get the full details of it but I got a brief over view, and she's taking me into the doctor sometime this week to talk to him about it. She told me it's possible that I could gain weight but since I do exercise I should be fine, and she doesn't like me being on my anti-depressants. Okay first of all; I REALLY don't want to go on the pill. I've looked up a few different forms of birth control available here in Austraila and honestly the pill just has to many risks for my liking. Yes, I know many others go on it for YEARS and have no problems, but it just doesn't sit well with me personally. I don't like the idea of missing my period because I actually like having my period (I'm crazy, I know). I like it because it gives me reassurance that my body is healthy and working properly. So I really don't want it to change my periods too much. Also I don't really like the idea of hormones screwing around in my body too much. That's actually why I really wanted to look into the Paragard IUD (which is non-hormonal). Plus, it works for up to 10 years, it's one of the most affective methods and I already have a regular to light period, so if it gets heavier it won't be so bad (or at least I hope). I like the sound of that MUCH more. However, my mother really wants to get me on this pill and won't listen to me when I try to tell her that I'm not comfortable with it. She tells me that "People use it from teenagers up until they're in their 30s and are perfectly fine!" But that still doesn't change the fact that I really don't like it and I don't want to go on the pill. I don't know how else to convince her that I don't want to, and I'm scared that if I won't go on the pill that she'll get angry and won't give me any BC to use at all. What should I do? Please help!!!