Boyfriend And Ex Sleep Over Part 2

JAY • Love Being A Woman, Embrace It
Hey Guys I know some of you remember a post I did a little while back about my boyfriend sleeping over his ex house and I would like to update everyone about what I have done about this issue I took many of you ladies advice and went along when my boyfriend drove 4 hours to her house and spent the night we had a pretty good time did the shooting range (1st time) went to eat then went clubbing my boyfriend didn't have the best time because they were arguing about who's driving and she always wanted him to do something like pay for a lot of things mostly for her she used its my bday as an excuse he didn't but I had a pretty good time now we heading home and he turns to me and say so do you feel confrontble about our relationship now so I can spend the night at her ex alone very shocked I was hoping he was joking... Looks like we back where we started thought comments and concerns ? And the answer is no still wouldn't want my man staying up there  without me just cause it doesn't look right to me  although I seen the dynamics of their relationship