Afraid ..

One week ago, my boyfriend and I wanted to know how it felt like to have sex without a condom. (Since he didn't have one, and we weren't planning on doing anything).But I only let him do it for 3 minutes. He said he didn't feel anything and wasn't aroused.I gave him head, before all of that. And there was a lot of precum as I kept sucking. Did I suck the remaining sperm he had left in his penis after he masturbated a little but before? I'm afraid. I have no symptoms and I feel normal. But I'm just creeped out. I only have discharge but it's isn't milky like symptoms most women have. I rarely got clear discharge growing up so it's always been a hint of white. definitely not milky. My period ended 9 days ago. And the night he came over he left around 12:45am. The start of everything was 12:00 I looked at the app but it said fertile window. I couldn't change my period ending so it ended on the 6th instead of the 4th just light spotting. So did it say fertile window because I ended it too soon also? No chance I could be pregnant right? I'm afraid please give me some closure .. Thanks for reading. Please try to answer all of my questions because I am very afraid.