Easy Labor πŸ˜πŸ™ŒπŸΎ

So my induction was scheduled for July 12 @2am & about four hours before it was time for me to go to the hospital they called and told me not to come in bc labor & delivery was full. I was so sad bc I had got all excited about meeting my baby girl & then they told me I had to wait until they called me back & they had no idea how long it would take. Luckily they ended up calling me around 4am and said I could come on to the hospital. I went in and they gave me a pill to soften my cervix around 5am. I was only 1cm dilated but 90% effaced. Around 8am my doctor came in and broke my water( best relief ever) and started me on pitocin. I did not feel any of my contractions & he recommended I get my epidural at 5cm and I did. Around 430pm I had reached 10cm but he made me wait a while longer because he head was facing my back. At about 545 I started pushing & my princess was out at 6:12pm. I did not feel any contractions, sleep through most of my labor, pushed for 27 minutes, had a 7lb 8oz baby, and a second degree tear and I did not even feel her coming out. I had to see her to know she was out lol. This is my first baby & I am so thankful my experience was nothing like all the horror stories you hear! So don't be scared, every delivery is different!