So nervous this time around!


With my first pregnancy i wasnt worried at all about all the things that could happen (i guess i was naive). I ended up having a healthy baby that didnt want to leave the womb and had to get induced ane every5hing was perfect.

But now after seeing my sister give birth too early and bubs dying and knowing more about what can go wrong and myself having two missed miscarriages (one being a partial molar pregnancy) i am so nervous with this pregnancy. I am almost 26 weeks and although its flying by i just want to be atleast 32 weeks so i know if anything was to happen bubs would have a better chance of surviving. I know babies can live outside the womb from 24 weeks but ill be happier if everything stays good for a little longer..

Im thinking like this and everything is fine, everything is going well with this pregnancy. It just will be good when i can stop worrrying and actual enjoy it.