My rainbow story ❤️

Caitlyn • Seven angel babies 👼 Two Miracles and #3 on the way! 💙💙💛
So I just wanted to share my story!
My husband and knew before we got married we were ready for children and that we wanted eight! So we got married a year ago and started trying immediately. After the first few months we started wondering if it was going to happen and this past winter we had a miscarriage.. We started to really think something was wrong and the doctors confirmed that for us. Let us know that my husbands swimmers had poor morphology and likely our only chance would be with <a href="">ivf</a>. We scheduled an appointment with a fertility clinic in August and filled out our new patient paper work to be sent in. Then this past month one night (tmi sentence) my husband initiated sex at three in the morning when we were both like dead asleep we didn't really know what was going on until the end and we were like what just happened 😂 anyhow the next morning I tested for my ovulation and it was peak day! We thought hmm maybe it was God's internal clock in my husband and this was it! But we didn't think to much. Well a few nights later we had a double rainbow appear outside of our home and as I stared at it I thought how cool would that be to have my rainbow baby! And at that two rainbow babies.. Didn't think a ton of it and went to bed, woke up the next morning and I was overwhelmed with the presence of God! It was too early for me to test pregnant but I knew he was telling me that he had done this for us that we were pregnant! So I called and canceled our appointment with the specialist! And I knew that I could trust God completely this is it and I don't have to worry anymore, that he was faithful to me when I wasn't faithful to him! So here we are! Still a couple days too early to test but I don't even feel the need to test because God has done this for me. On top of that I felt he was pushing me to share this news with a woman that I just recently became friends with. I hesitated afraid she would think I was crazy but I went for it, trusting God! And she began to cry! I quickly apologized and said I don't know why I felt like if I didn't tell anyone else I had to tell you! And she said I know exactly why. She said because the night of the double rainbows I prayed to God that he would give you a baby and that if he did it would just affirm to me who he was and how powerful and amazing he is! That's why you had to tell me! What an amazing God that we worship! ❤️🌈