Low progesterone but successful pregnancy?

Jennifer • Hey everybody :) My name is Jennifer. I have a 5 year old from a previous marriage. My husband and I have been TTC for a little over a year, and have had 2 m/c. Due April 20 with our rainbow baby boy!
Ladies, I'm curious. Has anyone found out they have low progesterone, DID NOT take progesterone supplements, and go on to have a healthy pregnancy? I was talking with a couple ladies on a post yesterday so I'm curious now. I've had 2 miscarriages and my progesterone was low during the 2nd one (started spotting, was prescribed suppositories, still miscarried). The first pregnancy, it wasn't tested. I switched to a new OBGYN while we ttc again. She doesn't believe progesterone levels are a concern, so she won't test them or supplement. I'm worried that I made the wrong decision in switching doctors. Thanks in advance!!