Anyone had a UTI or kidney infection?

Lindsay • I'm 29, married for 5 years (together for 8). My husband and I are first time parents, having welcomed our little girl Avery on 2/17/17 ❤️, she is is the most fun little girl and we adore her!

I'm 10 weeks 1 day currently, and woke up with the most awful and intense pain last night! I was so scared, the pain was worse than when my tube ruptured during an ectopic! I panicked and thought it might be a miscarriage but I wasn't bleeding at all. Called the OB and, long story short, I had just been to the office yesterday for a routine visit (coincidentally) and they found bacteria in my urine, so they suspect a UTI (labs aren't back yet). I'm wondering if it's progressed past a UTI to a kidney infection though, I had awful left side pain, pelvic pain and lower back pain (the side and lower back pain came back pretty badly this morning too). Anyway, the pain was terrifying...wondering if any of you ladies have had either a UTI or kidney infection (while pregnant or not), and how long it took to clear?

The silver lining of this situation is that I had an ultrasound today just to make sure the baby is ok, and my little peanut WAIVED at me!! (Hard to tell if he or she has hands yet, but he or she definitely has arms) 😍😍 I also saw him or her wiggling around and kicking his or her feet! This was my 3rd ultrasound (since I was high risk for ectopic), but this was the first time I got to see him or her really moving around and resembling a real little human, it was amazing!! ❤❤❤

**UPDATE: My urinalysis was clean, and even though that's good news, I'm confused as to where that horrible pain came from...the nurse did say that it was very acidic though so I could just be really dehydrated, but could that really cause awful pain?