Always tired & eating😩

No matter how much sleep I get I always wake up with no energy & fatigued the whole day & eating constantly. I have fast metabolism so I don't gain weight. It's extremely hard to get out of this bad hAbit& Ik it'll catch up to me eventually. I saw a video yesterday about what your zodiac sign says about you and since ima Taurus they say all I do is sleep and eat and I'm seeing the truth in that but all jokes a side I need to get better idk how to do it. Ik they say you are what you eat & I think that's probably the biggest factor so I considered going vegan & idk how I'd b able to do it no one around me are vegan and I literally eat all the damn time. I feel I went all over the place trying to explain myself but yea any tips?😩 any people who are vegan know how to go vegan and stay vegan I need energy I don't even feel I'm living. Â