Trying for over 2 years...

My husband and I have been married for 3 years. The first year we "weren't preventing" but the last two years we have been "trying".  We visited a fertility specialist in November and had tests run on both of us. Everything came back normal. I even had an HSG done. We got pregnant in December after the HSG but miscarried in February.  
I am so completely emotionally exhausted that I don't even know what to do anymore. We have tracked everything but that gets too "scheduled" so now we are just BDing every other day after my period. We are both taking Fertilaid which has gotten my period back on schedule since the miscarriage. 
I just don't know why else to do! <a href="">IVF</a> is financially not an option. We would love to adopt but, again, it is not in the budget. 
Thank you for reading my "rant". Life is just hard sometimes and I know you all understand!