Can I ovulate without positive OPK?

Marli • Lottie Mae norm 3-23-20. Liam Thomas🌈 born 4-7-17. Angel baby 5-4-16. Hubby & I married 11-1-14. Have two Pomeranian `babies`.
So I've been tracking my ovulation again for two months with OPKs. I had a miscarriage back in May. And I checked all the bodily signs (BBT, cervix position, mucus)...and I get ovulation cramps and nausea when I think I'm ovulating (and my bodily signs say I am) but seem to NEVER get a fully positive OPK
I'm 99% sure my body is going through the motions of ovulation right color. A different type of test had SOME color last night but not a full same strength positive. 
Is it the strips? (Not out of date)
Is my body going through every motion but producing LH?
Am I ACTUALLY ovulating if it's not showing LH?
Thanks all!