Is this Cervicitis...? [TMI!!]


So this is SO gross but here we go -

For the past couple of weeks, I've had on-and-off abdominal pain and a much stronger smell downstairs than usual. Not really a bad smell though, like my normal smell just very strong. On Saturday I started feeling like I was developing a UTI... I've had them before so the uncomfortable burning feeling was familiar.

Well, two days ago I was wiping and felt the stem of my diva cup still inserted...!!! It was at LEAST inserted for 11 days. I freaked a little bit and pulled it out really quickly. I can't BELIEVE I didn't notice it, I'd even had sex twice in the last week. I felt my cervix and it's absolutely huge, like a giant fat donut sitting in my vag 😭 and very mucus-y and just painful.

Well that was two days ago and the UTI is minor but still there (I'm drinking a ton of water and cranberry juice constantly) but it hurts to walk still. It feels like my entire uterus aches, there's a constant pressure there, and I need to pee really frequently. My cervix is still swollen but not as bad. Could I have cervicitis?? I've never had it before so I'm not sure, but I feel like since it's been 2 days it should be feeling better by now...