Just diagnosed with pcos but no treatment

Been TTC for 6.5years. Been on Clomid off and on for 5.5years. Have had 2 MC. Started Clomid again last month and had follice scan monday. The dr told me they were not large enough to go foward with <a href="https://glowing.com/glow-fertility-program">iui</a> and that i hace pcos and should be treated with Metformin and that he would talk to my normal obgyn as she was unable to do scan. Your a call from her office and didn't think treatment was necessary at this time. Anyone else hear that from their Dr?
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Definitely get a second opinion if you're not happy with the first!The doc who diagnosed me told me that the treatments vary depending on what stage of life you're in. At that time for me, oral contraceptives controlled most of my symptoms so that was fine. But she said if I was looking to start a family them there would be other treatments to help with that.&nbsp;Clearly after 6.5 years of TTC you need something to help!! Doing nothing will just mean more of the same for you!Don't take no for an answer - I had to force the ob/gyn I saw to put me on metformin and I feel so much better for it already. Find a provider who wants to get you pregnant as much as you want to be. Good luck :)&nbsp;


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I was just diagnosed with pcos also and my Gyn never really try to find out why I was late until I got a primary doctor and within the 2nd visit she determined it was pcos. I'm taking metformin now&nbsp;


Sheila • Dec 6, 2014
I am goint to see mune again on friday to discuss it face to face with her. If she does indeed confirm the diagnosis but does not want to treat, I will be seeking a second opinion.