worried please help

so I had my arm implant removed on the 27th of June. I did starts the patch that day. i took a pregnancy test about 2 weeks ago due to pregnancy symptoms. the next day i started the 8th of July. this current week should have been my week for my period according to my patch schedule.( yes I know it will be off for awhile). but I started lightly spotting Thursday with dark drown blood only when I wiped. come Friday it was a bright red with some tiny blood clots. more when i wipped(heavy) then on the pad. today it was red then turned a light pink with tiny blood clots (more with wiping then in the pad). all of the spotting was with light unconcistent cranps. and currently very very little spotting since about 5pm. with some small clots. today I took another pregnancy test ( worried about a miscarriage) I do see a faint line could I still have hopes of a healthy pregancy??