Baby daddy

My baby is 5 months and I am pregnant. I've been with this guy before I even got pregnant but when we were done I got pregnant from an ex. But we got back together right after Infound out. My son dad is a total LOSER. That's why I left him but unfortunately I went back just for that ONE night and got pregnant. But now I'm pregnant from the guy I was with before and I feel like he isn't too happy because he has three kids of his own and I don't even feel like I can talk to him about anything that has to do with the baby. Like not even doctor appointments. It's just blah I feel like if he go and actually sees the baby he'll have a bumbed out look on his face. And when I told him about how I felt he just said that he never told me how he felt about me being pregnant but when I told him he didn't have the best reaction and when I would say anything he would act bumbed out. So now I just feel like I don't want him to be around until I go in labor. But I don't wanna be selfish either. Like he's more calm a little now bt he doesn't ask me about appts like he has three kids that he take care of so I feel like he knows that I have doctor appts and stuff and he don't even ask. Even though Tuesday would be my first one I just feel like he doesn't care. And I already feel bad because my baby is only 5 months and in March he'll have a sister or brother so he won't get to have mommy to himself because his dad is already not around. Anybody have had any similar issues ? How did you handle them?