Opk question

Kaution • 💜AMEA 07/11; Liam J 03/31 💙
So I've been using clear blue digital OPKS for a two cycles. In this cycle I started testing on cd 7 which is usual for me considering the length of my cycle. I kept getting low up until cd14. On cd14 I test 3 times though. Once at 6 am then again at 11 am then finally 10:30 that evening. The first two tests said low then at 10:30 I got a peak reading. So I'm wondering when was ovulation likely? Like maybe Friday? We BD on Friday but it was late that evening and many times on Saturday. I have 3 <a href="https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.glow.android">fertility apps</a> lol (I can be a it obsessive). The other two said Friday but glow says Thursday. So which is more likely Friday or Thursday?