Am I pregnant


Hiya ladies just a curious question i have probably asked similar before so please don't judge me I'm also posting anonymously as I don't want haters or people laughing at me because I'm scared and worried enough as it is......

🔷 For the past two months I've had a bunged up runny nose (first I thought oh it's hayfever (but I've never suffered from it before) so took some antihistamines. Second I thought I'm due on (sadly not))

🔷 Then about four weeks ago I started getting really clammy and sweating really bad (again put it too weather and I work in a restaurant) but started to get shivers aswell at the same time

🔷 After that I started getting dizzy spells and will black out for five seconds whilst standing up or walking

🔷 For the last three maybe four weeks I've been getting bad lower back and stomach pains where it makes me feel sick and I struggle breathing

🔷 now when I wake up I feel sick and feel it through out the day wherever I am

🔷 I'm still well over due a period (118 days but suffer pros) and we are ttc but previous tests have come up negative

🔷 also the 'lady juice' is flowing more frequently down stairs and a lot thicker and whiter than normal

🔷 my breast have also been in the past week or so very sore and tender

What's up with me ladies