What is going on with my body ?!

This news should be happy for me but I am so confused . I found out I was pregnant two weeks ago . The clear blue digital test confirmed 2-3 weeks . I started bleeding heavily for three days when I decided to go to the E.R . The doctor informed me by hcg levels were 900 in she wanted me to come back in 72 hours to check my levels . They did a sonogram but didn't see anything . My period calculations are off I don't remember my last day of my period . She told me it can be to early to see anything on a ultrasound . STUPIDLY I convinced myself I was miss carrying due to all the blood . I didn't return to the E.R. I do have a obgyn appt this Thursday . However I decided to take these two test today just to see if my hcg levels were gone . Apparently they aren't . I can't wait to go the doctor Thursday . Your advice is greatly appreciated .