💞 ladies I have to brag for just a minute💞

35 weeks today && I have been feeling horrible..in terrible pain, intense migraines && extreme pressure being baby girl is so low..not to mention being on bed rest since 26 weeks. It's been an emotional roller coaster but my husband has been so amazing && understanding through it all. I have to thank God for blessing me with such a caring && loving man!!! I don't know how I'd make it without him some days. The love I have for my husband is beyond amazing && I can't wait to see the love && bond he shares with our daughter/our first baby girl!!! We already have 3 protective BIG brothers so this should be interesting. I just wanted him to know how much I appreciate him...by the little things he does (like in the picture..having me a bubble bath ready to relax in...&& being a photographer lol) I love you Brandon!! Thank you for all you do!!!