So scared please help

So I thought I was on my period but something happened. Normally my period would last 6-7 days but this time it only lasted 4. I'm fully aware that periods can change on their own because there's not a such thing as a regular period. But as long as I can remember my period has always lasted 6-7 days. I did have unprotected sex before my period came & I have been feeling like I'm pregnant since then. Then I started bleeding on Friday 7/22/16, it was heavy like a normal period & it hurt so bad I had took a pain pill & I also noticed I was passing tissue. Then from Saturday to Sunday I had light cramps & the bleeding changed to medium to light from day to night. Now today I barely have any blood on my pads that I change it's like spotting brown blood. This have never happened before so I really need help & opinions. Was it my period or am I pregnant? I feel pregnant I have all the symptoms. I'm scared to take a test cause I have a gut feeling that I am pregnant.