New life, New baby, New problems..

Okay, I'm kind of looking for advice or opinions. My son is 3.5 months old and everything was going great with my SO and I up until last weekend. I haven't gone back to work full time, and my SO is working 50-60 hours a week. Well he finally told me last weekend that he hates his job, he hates that I'm not working, he hates that I'm doing nothing to contribute. I take care of our son 24/7, I clean the house, daily, I make sure food is cooked and done by the time he gets home from work if not shortly after he gets home. I run all the errands, make sure bills get paid on time, make sure food stays in the house. And now he won't kiss me, barely talks to me, the only time we ever have sex is if he's drunk. I asked him about it one night and he said it's because he can go longer when he's drunk than when he's sober. It really bothers me that he acts like he doesn't want anything to do with me. Or he says I don't do anything. I get that he goes to work and he's tired, but fuck. So am I! Has anyone else had this problem? What did you do to make it through? Any advice would help at this point. 😔