Bit of a TMI ladies but I'm worried & at a loss...

So I am 23 weeks & 4 days along with baby #4 I'm high risk and I've been told he's been head down and at my last appointment (on the 20th at the FAU) they think baby has already dropped. Now since yesterday I've felt so "Off" I feel like I need to have a BM but when I try to go there is absolutely Nothing and I just get horrible lower back pain and Braxton Hicks contractions. I don't think I'm constipated since the days before all this started I had the runs ( 😣 sorry) but I'd hate to call my husband home from work to take me to the L&D for nothing especially since we live so far from the hospital. Any of you ladies delt with anything like this? Do you think I should make the trip to L&D or am I worried for nothing?