a little concerned

okay so, i was supposed to start my period the 22nd, & as usual it's late but i'm constantly scared that i'm pregnant. my boyfriend & i hung out Sunday & stuff happened. but his penis never went in my vagina! there was a moment when he thought it was a great idea to whip it out & (this is embarrassing) stick it in my butt 😩😷 why he thought that was a smart idea idk. but i was not having it & while i was trying to not let this happen it slipped down to my vagina. i had a tampon in so it didn't go in, but i still fear that i could be pregnant now...he wiped his penis off before he stuck it on but i doubt that even works. i also am on an antibiotic. could that be why it's late? he fingered me pretty hard, could that effect it? or maybe the stress? someone please answer! thanks