Advice anyone?? Please read???

KaY • going to be a mummy to my boy Levi😘
So I'm a little angry and moody most times because I do like literally everything for my SO. Cook, clean up after him, wash his clothes, scratch his back all the time, tickle his back, help him when he's training at Home Gym, always giving him kisses out of the blue and telling him I love him and how much he means to me. Don't get me wrong I love being a house wife but he's not showing nothing romantic anymore, has never run a hot bath for me with candles, doesn't do anything romantic atal, won't try new things as much in bed :-/ I'm kinda getting frustrated because I want him to show how much he loves and appreciates me, I want him to touch me like he wants me.. I have to fish for compliments all the time.. What do I do? He does show me love but only when im allover him tryna get attention off him. He's constantly on his mobile playing games or browsing rubbish and I'm just sitting there like 'HELLO' for hours on end.!! Weve been together 4 years and engaged 3 years, we are trying for baby #1 too.. were good together but hes been really really distant recently i can't cope anymore, i want him to show more than what he does?? What do I do? No rude comments please