Birth control side effects

So I've been on the pill for two and a half years now. About a year and five months ago, I switched to Lutera. I was on that brand of pill up until the beginning of May this year. I found that while I was on Lutera, I gained so much weight. I've gained probably thirty pounds. It's embarrassing. I switched from Lutera to Sronyx in May of this year, and find that I've been overly emotional and just acting like a psycho since I've gotten on it. I haaaate this. I hate these side effects. The first pill I was ever on made me nauseous, but that was bareable compared to the side effects I've dealt with with these last two pills. I would go back on the pill I started on, but it cost me $50 for one months supply. 
I want to be protected from pregnancy, but I don't want to have all of these crazy side effects. Condoms are not an option for my husband and I, we hate them. Any birth control recommendations?