Lying husband

I have caught my husband in quite a few lies in the two years we have been married. The first one was about an acquaintance of mine who was cold to me at a party, I had been friends w her prior so I wasn't sure why. After pushing my husband for answers he told me he messed around with her before we met. No big deal but he swore to me they never slept together. Found out that was a lie. Before his bachelor party I saw a text message from him asking his buddy to bring cocaine. I do not so drugs and never knew he did. He apologized and said he wouldn't do it again. I also saw a text on his phone to a woman right after I found out I was pregnant saying she needed to be his date while they were in Vegas for a work trip. Apologized again. He has an ex wife and two kids that we have half custody of and just lied about something as simple as driving them to her which is 40 mins away even though it's her responsiblity in the summer and pure during the school year to drive ( we already get the short end of the deal) I have told him how important it is that he sticks to the guidelines bc she will walk all over him if he allows it. We have a family I would like him and o spend time with and driving 40 mins there and back takes away from me hat tinand. I know this is all small lies but he knows how important trust is to me and tells me over and over again he is done lying. Not sure what to do or if I'm overreacting?