Am I wrong?

My fiancé and I have been together for close to four years. We are in a long distance relationship but that has never really been an issue until recently. I'm 21 and was in college up until May. Due to financial problems and other hardships my parents suggested that I take a year off to work and get money together and help out around the house in hopes that it will ease the other hardships going on. I was upset of course but I understand why it's necessary.
Anyways my fiancé is 28. And as soon as I let him know that I was taking a year off to help my family he got really distant and weird. So I backed off and gave him some time to process it all. He disappeared for a few days and when he started talking to me agin he was acting really weird. For the last month he's been begging me to basically desert my family and live with him and start a new family. He's been looking at bigger houses for us and even went as far as trying to get me to live with him by buying me a puppy. 
I told him that my family is really struggling right now and I can't just up and leave. He seemed to understand but got really distant again. I was just on Instagram and found out that since I won't leave my family behind he gave the puppy to his ex. I thought maybe there was an explanation regarding the puppy so I called him. Only to find out he has blocked my number. Now I'm kind of just at a loss for words.
Am I wrong for choosing to help my family over my fiancé?