
So I shared the news that my hubby and I are expecting to my older brother who is overseas currently. I was expecting a pleasant response but I got nothing but hate. Everything he had to say about my pregnancy was so mean that it broke my heart. We have a good bond and I am extremely hurt and upset by his remarks. He also said I can forget being able to make it to his wedding which is April 22...my due date is April 5th and I fully intend on making it to his wedding because I simply wouldn't miss it for the world. I understand people having concerns when having a baby because there are surely a lot of things to have concerns about but I don't understand such mean comments from him. All in all my feelings are crushed but I am trying to keep a peaceful heart and head. I love him dearly and I don't know if he is worried that he won't have attention on him for the wedding but I plan on focusing on that wedding with all my might.