S/O drinking...

Anybody else have trouble with your s/o drinking? Mine doesn't have a "problem." He's not an alcoholic. Before I got pregnant, he and I would go to the bar once or twice during the week just to have a drink and hang out. Being pregnant, that's the last thing I want to do. I still want to spend time with him, just not at a bar. He doesn't get it and still goes out a few times a week now for a drink while I sit at home. We got into an argument about it and he doesn't see the issue. He doesn't realize that I won't deal with it once the baby is actually here. Any advice on how to get him to spend time with me and not at a bar? Also, to not spend money when it's unnecessary? I mean, you'd think with a baby on the way he'd be more conscious of spending money on alcohol rather than stuff the baby needs..?