Vaginal warts???

Okay this is the ultimate TMI, but I seriously need help.
I shaved almost a week ago, went fine, didn't get razor burn for a couple days. But suddenly there's a BIG bump on the left of my external labia???
I'm used to small pimples and things that go away after like a day, but this bump has been growing slightly over the day and it itches so bad!!!
I'm a virgin, no one has ever gone near my vagina, except for myself. I make sure that I don't share panties or razors to shave down there, so it can't be a type of STD, can it??
Thinking it was a big pimple that doesn't have a head yet, I tried to pop it but it just made it hurt really bad and itch more.
I'm not like worried about it, it's just annoying and itchy!!! I just want it gone, but I don't know what it is therefore I don't know by what means to get rid of it.
Can anyone help a sister out?