Low HCG level

I believe that I am 16 DPO today. I had my first beta test yesterday (at 15 DPO) and it came back positive but the nurse said my levels are low (20.6) and attributed it to possibly ovulating later than originally thought. I go back in Monday for the second beta test but in the mean time I am FREAKING out. This is my first pregnancy and has it has been a long, hard, and <a href="https://glowing.com/glow-fertility-program">fertility treatment</a> filled journey. I am terrified something is wrong. 
Has anyone else had experience with really low HCG levels in early pregnancy? What was the outcome?
I took a home pregnancy test Monday (7/25) and it was negative. Out of curiosity I took 3 more last night (since my blood test came back positive) and all three tests were positive... Faint but positive. Thoughts?