Cindii • 26 | California | mommy to be🎀
I'm so excited to share with you ladies that I've officially lost 40pds.😃👏🏽 during pregnancy I gained 60pds & my goal is to be back to my prepregnancy weight (130). 
I'm currently 15weeks PP. & I must admit that right after giving birth it seemed like I was losing weight by the minute but then after loosing around 35pds I wasn't seeing the scale change much. That's when I decided I really needed to step my game up & stay consistent. Once my SO went back to work it became impossible for me to go to the gym because my little one constantly wanted my attention. My family lives in a different city so there wasn't anyone to watch her.
ANYWAY, I started doing little at home workouts when she took her cat naps & I also started back on my Herbalife products. 
BF- Tea & Shake
Snack- high protein snack
L- protein, veggies, whole wheat carbs
Snack- high protein snack
D- Shake 
This is me at 153pds. I'm currently 150.