TMI "downstairs" issue

I'm highly embarrassed about this so I'm posting anonymously...

I cannot afford to see an OBGYN so i paid a visit to the local health district. Had blood drawn and urine tested. No STDs but was diagnosed with bacterial vaginosis. They gave me Metrostat with a 5 day treatment. On the 6th day i had my period so i couldn't tell if the treatment worked. Period is gone but i still have it! I went back but they can't prescribe it to me again knowing I'm late for this months period. (can't take it while pregnant.)

I've tried several home remedies but nothing seems to work! I have such a foul smell down there with a lot of discharge. I'm scared to walk by people or sit next my own fiance. He says he doesn't smell anything but i do! Its embarrassing!!! Help?!