Black Men

Y’all I cannot express how heartbroken I am. Not just for me but all my women of color as well. It incredibly frustrating and excruciating to want to be there for a black man , take care of him , make sure he’s straight , make sure you prove to them that we love them even if the world doesn’t  to get ABSOULTLEY nothing in return from them. Now I know I cannot speak for all black men out there but I will speak for the majority I know and the ones I have dealt with. I understand infidelity happens in ALL cultures and races BUT it’s heartbreaking to see that the only people that really have your back from day 1 are getting mistreated and turned into “Baby Mama’s” nothing more or less.  Meanwhile you’re putting other women who do not understand your struggle as well, and cannot offer you the same comfort on a pedestal. It’s heartbreaking. I don’t like this conditioning that our black men are being put through. I feel like they struggle a lot more than we give them credit for because they feel like they have a certain image to uphold. Society pushed them into many different directions. A lot of people outside  the category of POC don’t really understand that stereotypes are REAL In a sense that it does have a damaging effect on the people it is intended to aim towards. Our youth is being damaged by societies sterotypes,standards  , hollywood and this degrading music industry.  I’m genuinely hurt by this. Does anyone else feel the same ?