
So I started the pill 11 days ago and I have 7 days till I hit the sugar pill 
And last night I started getting server cramps like I was hunched over crying cramps 
My periods are usually really painful and excruciating and very heavy there is not blood yet of course but can you still get symptoms a week before due time? My breasts are killing me like I can't touch or put my bra on with out them hurting even hugging my partner. Panadol and period pain tablets do jack shit for me I've started condine and ibprofen to ease the pain doesn't do much. I was in hospital the other week with them with pain I was in agony. 
I'm only on the pill the regulate my periods I'm only on it for a month and then im going to see how I go afterwards as I was getting my periods ever 10 days I'm seeing a gyno and my doctors