Poop coming out of vagina!!!

Ever since I gave birth, when I have a softer poop, I wipe my vagina and there's poop!
I've been trying to convince myself that it's anything other than poop, but there's been evidence of things I've ate in it (popcorn kernels, etc) and it smells like poop. I will sit there and hold it because I don't want to deal with the clean up after.
Well right now it's at the point where I can't ignore it, because I'm on my period and it's like red period blood mixed with poop after I go. I pulled the applicator out after putting a tampon in and it was covered in poop. 
The only thing I've found online that it sounds like is a vaginal fistula. Has anyone else dealt with this and should I go to the ER?
I went to the ER and got checked out. They didn't see a fistula during the pelvic exam, but the doctor said there could be one he couldn't see. I had the choice to stay longer and get a CT scan or do one outpatient, and I chose to come back and do it because it was getting late and my babysitter was getting impatient. All my blood work came back normal so at least there's no infection. Hopefully they can figure it out when I go back because it's disgusting and I just want to go back to normal.
It's not a wiping issue. I have never dealt with anything like this until after I gave birth.