Week 8

My little guy is 8 weeks now, he bas been suchhh a happy, easy baby. He really only cried when hungry. (We breastfeed) Well, out of nowhere the last 5 days he has been sooo fussy all day long!! L😭 he is letting out cries I have never even heard befor-lots of tears and to the point where he can barely breathe and face is bright red. My poor guy!!!! I am at a loss, I have no idea whats going on with him and I feel so helpless😢 I just wish I knew whats bothering him. I havent changed anything and am EBF. Ive been googling and reading others having the same issue at 8 weeks. Anyone else experiencing this??!! Im going to try to get him a pedi appt tomorrow to make sure he is okay. Am hoping its just a fussy phase that will end any day now. 🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻