nolan arrived soo fast all natural

Let me tell u at 38 wks i started walking exercise and primose oil vitamins I wanted him out stuck at 1 cm on Wed checked Wed evening I had a cleaning burst out of no where next day I was in back pain and tons of pressure I wobbled all day long that nite I made a late dinner got the kids to bed having pains on and off but not regular i got a shower having pains around 1130 I sat down. On this app watched TV and my hubby keep bothering me for sex I was soo mad I keep saying I'm having contractions i was breathing threw them so I got out of bed 1:30 am 2 am walkimg around they were bad I was trying to time them and I keep leaning up against the wall when they came So a hour goes by they r steady strong gettimg worst I go tell my husband we got to go to hospital he jumps up calls my mil to come watch are other kids i finally get to hositpla 4 am (they were super busy) I get upstair checked in asked all the stuff the lady checks me says u r 7 cm we have to admit asap u r moving fast I said oh my god I want the epidural she said we will try but I don't think u will make so me freaking out couldn't believe I was 7 cm the admit me 4:18 am the nurse told my mom I said I thought she was going home in my head I said no way she is in labor she was just soo calm lol i guess I was trying to be so any way doctor comes in broke my water around 5:20 am And told nurses hurry set up she will be ready to push 5 min later I said I have to push the pain oh my god all I can say is I wanted him out asap I got soo mad I pushed 4 good pushes and he was on my chest 6 ilbs 8 oz born on July 29 5:41 am his due date was july 30 so full term baby boy amazing experience they went way to fast I'm soo happy he is here and it is over soo proud hope all the july mommas r recovering well and I did have some tears and stitches and I think I pooped to i was pushing soo hard lol