I'm so scared to have a miscarriage again😔

I just found out two days ago I'm pregnant! I believe I'm 5 weeks pregnant. Monday I have my first appointment. These past days I've woken up still in shock that I'm finally pregnant again but I am TERRIFIED to miscary again 😭😭😭😭
 3 years ago I had a miscarriage and I remember I never had symptoms no sensetive breasts or tiredness, I was like normal. 
This time around I'm super sleepy , hungry almost all the time, have some cramping going on down in the lower pelvic area. Frequent urination ..This might sound crazy but I want the morning sickness to start so I could know it's real😭 
Have any of you ladies had a miscarriage & the next pregnancy turned out perfect? I need positive stories from you ladies! I just want to get over this fear and pass my "risky mc stage" 😔💗💙 I want this baby so bad!